What Flavor Cupcake Are You?
Wer wollte nicht schon immer mal wissen, welche Cupcake-Sorte er wäre? =)
Also ich fands auf jeden Fall amüsant, sind auch nur 5 Fragen. Das Quiz findet ihr hier.
>> Und ich bin ein Vanilla-Cupcake <<

Also ich fands auf jeden Fall amüsant, sind auch nur 5 Fragen. Das Quiz findet ihr hier.
>> Und ich bin ein Vanilla-Cupcake <<

"You Are a Vanilla Cupcake
You are very sweet and mellow. You are easy going and easy to like.You are drawn to those stronger personalities. You get along with powerful people.You are like a cupcake because you appeal to almost every type of person.You are friendly and accepting. You bring out other people's best qualities."
You are very sweet and mellow. You are easy going and easy to like.You are drawn to those stronger personalities. You get along with powerful people.You are like a cupcake because you appeal to almost every type of person.You are friendly and accepting. You bring out other people's best qualities."
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